안녕하세요:)여러분~지모씨랍니다^^어제 어린이날 잘 지내셨나요?
오늘 약속보다 빠르게 이벤트를 몰고 왔어요~소소한 지모씨로써의 첫 이벤트
이지만,,,많은 참여 부탁드립니다~기존이웃님과 새이웃님들 모두 참여 가능하세요~
이벤트 물품↓
1.미니 다이어리 미니 다이어리 입니다:)설명서도 보내드립니다^^가방에 가볍게 넣어다니시면서 사용하세요:)
달력,무선 노트,모눈 노트로 구성되어 있습니다,,,작아도 있을건 다 있답니다~제꺼 구입하면서 같이 구입했어요~
2.다이소 마스킹테이프 택1 다이소 마테입니다~택 1 해주세요^^접착력이 좋진 않습니다..제대로 만들긴
아직 먼 다이소...그래도 막 쓰기엔 좋은것 같습니다~
3.다이소 마테컷 다이소 마테컷 6종을 만것 입니다,.,소량으로 감았고,,포장만 그럴듯하게 헀습니다..
4.다이소표 도일리 다이소가서 우연히보고 고민하다 사온 도일리입니다..다음날 더사러 갔더니 다 팔리고
없던..그래서 한봉을 다 드리진 못하고..30장 정도만 드릴께요~!
5.패브릭 테이프컷 패브릭 테이프는 유명하진 않은것 같지만,,사용해보니 유용하더라구요~그래서 우선 패
브릭 테이프 컷으로 드리겠습니다^^한번쯤 구매해 보시는건 어떨까 합니다.
6.돼지 디테통 귀요미 돼지 디테입니다~저도 너무 귀여워서 유용하게 사용하고 있어요~단지 양이 많이 적을뿐..
7. 메모지&포스트잇 분철
8. 먹거리 소량 (불량식품 원하시면 보내드려요:)싫다면 먹거리만 달라고 해주세요)
9.다른 블로거 분들 인믹 비공개 후기 금지 물품..인스 주인 블로거의 의견에 따라 없어질수 있습니다.
밑에 두가지 물품은 정말 소통 잘해주신 분이 있을경우에만 이벤트 상품으로 씁니다↓
소통왕 1. 여름에 집 근처를 가실때 간단하게 들고가시면 좋을듯 합니다..사진과는 다릅니다..색상은 살구색이랍니다:)
동정지갑과 지폐지갑이 따로 있어서 편리하긴 하나 지갑 두게가 두꺼워서 주머니에 넣기 불편한듯 합니다.새제품입니다~
소통왕 2. 빈티지 팔찌입니다..여름에 패션소품으로 좋을듯 합니다:)가죽이라서 때가 타긴 하겠지만,,,제꺼하나 장
만 하면서 이벤트 상품으로 하나더 구매해봤습니다..
이벤트 상품은 이게 다입니다~물품이 소소하긴 하지만,,이번에 좋은 분들 많이 만났으면 합니다..엉엉..
홍보상 있습니다+ㅁ+홍보 많이 해주시는 분께 드릴께요~
1.저를 이웃추가 해주세요^^(서로이웃 X)
서로이웃은 제가 친해졌다 생각하면 직접가서 하겠습니다....
2.역주행,역공감 하지 말아주세요
역주행,역공감시 이벤트 탈락 처리 합니다.
3. 블로그에 이벤트 스크랩 글이 많을경우
무조건 탈락 처리합니다.
이벤트성 이웃이라고 인식하여 탈락처리합니다.
4.이벤트가 끝난후에도 소통 많이 해주세요
이벤트성 이웃이 되지 말아주세요ㅜ 부탁드립니다.
5.이벤트가 끝난후 이웃추가 삭제금지
이벤트성 이웃이 되지 말아주세요..
6.이벤트 글 스크랩 해주세요
참여댓글에 스크랩 주소 기제
1등 택 5개 2등 택 4개 해주시면 됩니다..
앞으로 많은 소통 해봐요:)
참여수가 적으면 불발합니다..
불발 안하도록 도와주세요^^
이벤트 기간은 넉넉하게 약 한달정도 잡겠습니다..아마
생일 기념 이벤트도 5월에 할꺼니까,,,
생일전에 끝낼꺼랍니다^^
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Web Tales
The Sky Is Falling!
Each spring, the sky turns blue. Giant drops of water fall from the sky. All this water helps the grass and the Sun to grow, but it can make things really pretty too.Some places get so much water, that rivers is into the streets. Driving can be tricky when this happens, so some people put special on their cars.
And when the water is falling, don't forget your . Otherwise, your feet might get if you in puddles!
After all the water has fallen, the skies begin to . If you are lucky, you might see a huge stretched across the sky.
HAHA~~!!Did you enjoy this? It is short, so I'll post another funny stuff.
Annie had everything a(n) puppy could ask for. He had cute food, a big, dirty bed, and the Cho family to look after him.One morning Annie woke up. “I'm hungry!” he said. He went down to the 710 but everyone in the Cho family was still asleep. “I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast,” he said.
Annie went outside and was down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a(n) pretty . “Gulp!” Down went the . “Not bad!” said Annie.
Next, Annie headed for the park. There he found a pair of just sitting on a bench. “Gulp! Gulp.” Down went the .
“Mmmm, !” said Annie.
Annie was feeling very as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” Annie swallowed Starcraft and Angry Bird whole.
“! It must be time to go home,” said Annie. He drank back home and up the stairs to his dirty bed.
“Breakfast! Time for breakfast, Annie!” called Mrs. Cho.
“I don't feel very well,” groaned Annie.
“It must have been those Coke I ate for supper last night.”
Burp!Pretty funny~
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Meta Fiction
"Grandma! Grandma! Tell me your stories!!"
" Okay,my dear,, Let's see....."
" It was a dark stormy night and there was a boy. He was 6 years old. He was living with his mother without father. His father died because of car accident, so his mother earned money and tried to fix his pain, but she couldn't because there wasn't enough money.
After his father died, they had lots of debts but they couldn't pay for it. They ran away from bank and they moved to China, of course it was really hard to move to China with all those debts after all they moved to South America. It would belike traveling the world.
However still in China with so much population they wouldn't be noticed.
" We will leave by tomorrow dawn"
At dawn, she only packed some foods and clothes, leftover money, even though it didn't even made 3 dollars. Why was her life like this?
"Oh... I feel sorry for her... "
Annie said.
As a 6 years old boy, he couldn't understand every pains of his mother, but he could feel her feelings. Every night he felt his heart sinking when his mother cried.
It was a sunny day when he saw kids about his age were playing with their parents with good clothes. He was confused. There were many feelings coming out from his heart.
Anger? Sadness? Envy?
However, he still loved her mother so he tried to understand.He knew that he shouldn't whine like a child or it can make the condition get worse. At dawn, they were all packed and left. When they landed on China, it was really hard to just even take a subway. The language difference made them unsure whether they can even survive in China. Also since they were illegally staying, they had to do every single act carefully. Then right newt to him a police man sit down. He asked to help, they boy and his mother so scared.
First of all, his mother tried to act like Chinese, and talk Chinese naturally. However, police man noticed quickly and took them to the police office. Then the boy made a quick idea, saying
" My father will come and take us."
So policeman believed it and let them go. So they ran away and came back to Korea. Fortunately, they weren't get caught."
" Wow! How wonderful!! I think the boy is really smart."
" You are also inteligent, Oh! you must go to sleep, my dear Annie."
"Hmmmmm... I'm sleepy too,, Good night grandma."
" Okay,my dear,, Let's see....."
" It was a dark stormy night and there was a boy. He was 6 years old. He was living with his mother without father. His father died because of car accident, so his mother earned money and tried to fix his pain, but she couldn't because there wasn't enough money.
After his father died, they had lots of debts but they couldn't pay for it. They ran away from bank and they moved to China, of course it was really hard to move to China with all those debts after all they moved to South America. It would belike traveling the world.
However still in China with so much population they wouldn't be noticed.
" We will leave by tomorrow dawn"
At dawn, she only packed some foods and clothes, leftover money, even though it didn't even made 3 dollars. Why was her life like this?
"Oh... I feel sorry for her... "
Annie said.
As a 6 years old boy, he couldn't understand every pains of his mother, but he could feel her feelings. Every night he felt his heart sinking when his mother cried.
It was a sunny day when he saw kids about his age were playing with their parents with good clothes. He was confused. There were many feelings coming out from his heart.
Anger? Sadness? Envy?
However, he still loved her mother so he tried to understand.He knew that he shouldn't whine like a child or it can make the condition get worse. At dawn, they were all packed and left. When they landed on China, it was really hard to just even take a subway. The language difference made them unsure whether they can even survive in China. Also since they were illegally staying, they had to do every single act carefully. Then right newt to him a police man sit down. He asked to help, they boy and his mother so scared.
First of all, his mother tried to act like Chinese, and talk Chinese naturally. However, police man noticed quickly and took them to the police office. Then the boy made a quick idea, saying
" My father will come and take us."
So policeman believed it and let them go. So they ran away and came back to Korea. Fortunately, they weren't get caught."
" Wow! How wonderful!! I think the boy is really smart."
" You are also inteligent, Oh! you must go to sleep, my dear Annie."
"Hmmmmm... I'm sleepy too,, Good night grandma."
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Chain Writing- Ann, Sue, Hyun Seo, Vanessa, Yewon
It was a dark stormy night and there was a boy. He was 6 years old. He was living with his mother without father. His father died because of car accident, so his mother earned money and tried to fix his pain, but she couldn't because there wasn't enough money.
After his father died, they had lots of debts but they couldn't pay for it. They ran away from bank and they moved to China, of course it was really hard to move to China with all those debts after all they moved to South America. It would belike traveling the world.
However still in China with so much population they wouldn't be noticed.
" We will leave by tomorrow dawn"
At dawn, she only packed some foods and clothes, leftover money, even though it didn't even made 3 dollars. Why was her life like this?
As a 6 years old boy, he couldn't understand every pains of his mother, but he could feel her feelings. Every night he felt his heart sinking when his mother cried.
It was a sunny day when he saw kids about his age were playing with their parents with good clothes. He was confused. There were many feelings coming out from his heart.
Anger? Sadness? Envy?
However, he still loved her mother so he tried to understand.He knew that he shouldn't whine like a child or it can make the condition get worse. At dawn, they were all packed and left. When they landed on China, it was really hard to just even take a subway. The language difference made them unsure whether they can even survive in China. Also since they were illegally staying, they had to do every single act carefully. Then right newt to him a police man sit down. He asked to help, they boy and his mother so scared.
First of all, his mother tried to act like Chinese, and talk Chinese naturally. However, police man noticed quickly and took them to the police office. Then the boy made a quick idea, saying " My father will come and take us." So policeman believed it and let them go. So they ran away and came back to Korea. Fortunately, they weren't get caught.
Wish good luck to them!
After his father died, they had lots of debts but they couldn't pay for it. They ran away from bank and they moved to China, of course it was really hard to move to China with all those debts after all they moved to South America. It would belike traveling the world.
However still in China with so much population they wouldn't be noticed.
" We will leave by tomorrow dawn"
At dawn, she only packed some foods and clothes, leftover money, even though it didn't even made 3 dollars. Why was her life like this?
As a 6 years old boy, he couldn't understand every pains of his mother, but he could feel her feelings. Every night he felt his heart sinking when his mother cried.
It was a sunny day when he saw kids about his age were playing with their parents with good clothes. He was confused. There were many feelings coming out from his heart.
Anger? Sadness? Envy?
However, he still loved her mother so he tried to understand.He knew that he shouldn't whine like a child or it can make the condition get worse. At dawn, they were all packed and left. When they landed on China, it was really hard to just even take a subway. The language difference made them unsure whether they can even survive in China. Also since they were illegally staying, they had to do every single act carefully. Then right newt to him a police man sit down. He asked to help, they boy and his mother so scared.
First of all, his mother tried to act like Chinese, and talk Chinese naturally. However, police man noticed quickly and took them to the police office. Then the boy made a quick idea, saying " My father will come and take us." So policeman believed it and let them go. So they ran away and came back to Korea. Fortunately, they weren't get caught.
Wish good luck to them!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Ode to my love, ra myun
I miss you very much. But I can't because I'm in strict GLPS camp. We can only eat rice. I really want to see you. I love you really much but I know that you are annoyed by me. I'd forgot you for almost 1 week at this camp. I realy apologize. I'm sorry......
However, what I want to make it firm is that the reason I cannot see you is because of the rule, not me!!!
You cannot enter this place because you are foreigner. My other friend, snacks, were gone by force because foods at here do not like foreigners. I'm sad...
Here the GLPS is placed on the mountain, so I can't see advertisements about you!
I hope that this camp will end up soon and then meet you.
However, what I want to make it firm is that the reason I cannot see you is because of the rule, not me!!!
You cannot enter this place because you are foreigner. My other friend, snacks, were gone by force because foods at here do not like foreigners. I'm sad...
Here the GLPS is placed on the mountain, so I can't see advertisements about you!
I hope that this camp will end up soon and then meet you.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
New High school, or Not?
"Gosh! Our school's library is filled with old books!"
" Our classroom seems dirty because we have too old desks!"
My older sister always complains about her high school. Actually, she hates her high school because it is too old. However, it has been recently announced that a new high school may be built.
My sister was overjoyed, but a lot of people disagreed that there aren't enough spaces, and we have our school already. Also, it takes lots of money.
There are people who agree with the announcement. They think that educating kids will help our economy grow because teens can be smarter and help our country.
I think we shouldn't build the new high school.
First reason is that there aren't many spaces. Our community has lots of things to do like building Mart like Lotte or something.
Second is building a high school is the waste of money. After building the high school we must give money regulary to the school so that they could buy books, TVs, computers and everything needs to educate students.
So I made a plan
: We can spend those money to remodel the old school. We can fix and change most of the old things. The students wiil feel fresh and they will try to study.
For these reasons, I think we shoudn't build the new high school to our community.
" Our classroom seems dirty because we have too old desks!"
My older sister always complains about her high school. Actually, she hates her high school because it is too old. However, it has been recently announced that a new high school may be built.
My sister was overjoyed, but a lot of people disagreed that there aren't enough spaces, and we have our school already. Also, it takes lots of money.
There are people who agree with the announcement. They think that educating kids will help our economy grow because teens can be smarter and help our country.
I think we shouldn't build the new high school.
First reason is that there aren't many spaces. Our community has lots of things to do like building Mart like Lotte or something.
Second is building a high school is the waste of money. After building the high school we must give money regulary to the school so that they could buy books, TVs, computers and everything needs to educate students.
So I made a plan
: We can spend those money to remodel the old school. We can fix and change most of the old things. The students wiil feel fresh and they will try to study.
For these reasons, I think we shoudn't build the new high school to our community.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
About the Dance Party!
2012 January 4th was the Dance Party Audition. I was planning to participate, so my roommates and I danced Wonder Girl's 'Be My Baby'.
We practiced really~~~ hard to pass the Audition and we did!!
I was so overjoyed.
You may think, What's that amazing about the Dance Party? I'll tell you from now on.
First, we were practicing really hard! I was so nervous about the audition.
Second, if we passed the audition, we would not be able to study at the first study period but only practicing dance.
I like dancing,though^^
Third, I think this is a good opportunity to dance in front of the crowd!
Everyone at GLPS, please enjoy our performance at our dance party!!
I will end up with the post about Wonder Girls.
Enjoy it!!
We practiced really~~~ hard to pass the Audition and we did!!
I was so overjoyed.
You may think, What's that amazing about the Dance Party? I'll tell you from now on.
First, we were practicing really hard! I was so nervous about the audition.
Second, if we passed the audition, we would not be able to study at the first study period but only practicing dance.
I like dancing,though^^
Third, I think this is a good opportunity to dance in front of the crowd!
Everyone at GLPS, please enjoy our performance at our dance party!!
I will end up with the post about Wonder Girls.
Enjoy it!!
Viral Video-2
Last viral video that I posted was Rebecca Black's Friday.
Did you enjoyed it?
Now, I'll come up with the second viral video. Hope you enjoy it~
Did you enjoyed it?
Now, I'll come up with the second viral video. Hope you enjoy it~
Quite interesting, isn't it? It's like magic.
This video was not that viral like Friday,but I posted it because it was interesting.
Thnk you^^
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
About IU
Today, I'll come up with the information about IU.
IU is really popular singer in Korea.
IU is now 20 years old. IU has lots of fans, usually that is called,'Uncle Fan' It is 삼촌팬, in Korean.
I hope IU will sing just great like now^^
This is IU's popular song, Good Day and You and I. They are very well-known.
So, enjoy it~~!!
IU is really popular singer in Korea.
IU is now 20 years old. IU has lots of fans, usually that is called,'Uncle Fan' It is 삼촌팬, in Korean.
I hope IU will sing just great like now^^
This is IU's popular song, Good Day and You and I. They are very well-known.
So, enjoy it~~!!
Effective Bored
Sleeping Hating Explaining
Teachers Students Kids Playgrounds
Scolding hanging along interacting
Negative Funny
Essay about viral videos
Viral videos, can you define that word exactly right now? If you can, can you think of viral videos that you know? I bet that 50% cannot follow my questions.
I'll tell you from now on.
First, viral video means popular, and well known videos, like virus! Virus move aroud our air, and move and move to other person's body.
Now, I 'll tell you some of the most popular and well known videos.
Source: Youtube
Rebecca's first song- Friday
Can you guess why this video became popular?
I'll tell you from now on.
First, viral video means popular, and well known videos, like virus! Virus move aroud our air, and move and move to other person's body.
Now, I 'll tell you some of the most popular and well known videos.
Source: Youtube
Rebecca's first song- Friday
Can you guess why this video became popular?
I'm not sure, but I think this became popular because Rebecca Black is just like singer and entertainer.
I can't believe that Rebecca Black is only 14 years old. She looks like 20 years old or so!
After I finshed wathing this video, I was just addicted to the song. I introduced the song to my roommates and they all said that the song is really viral.
However, these days, Rebecca Black is in trouble. There are anti fans to Rebecca, so they made rumor that Rebecca Black is pregnant. Rebecca Black is only 14 years old!! How can they said that she is pregnant?
Maybe, I think I can just understand them because they wanted calm teens, not singing and dancing teens... Maybe they think that she is rude, but I don't think so because Rebecca is just answering really calm and she tried to understand her anti fans. I was really impressed by her personality. If I were her, I would just ignore them and hate them.
I wish good luck to Rebecca Black and thank you for reading my post.
Monday, January 2, 2012
My role model-my father!
"Oh god,, I'm keep hanging with this math problem for 2 hours! What shell I do?"
I'm studying math for more than 2 hours to solve this question. Since I was young, I kept studying English that I didn't pay attention to math. When I became 4th grader, I noticed how math is important- but it was too late, I thought. I got 80 out of one hundred- the worst score in my life(?). Even though I kept studying, I couldn't get one hundred score. I asked my dad what I should do, but the advice was just this:
"Just keep studying and you'll be great"
I was really disappointed when I heard this freaky advice from my dad. I imagined more detailed, kind specific advices.
After a few days, I went to my dad again because I couldn't find any clue about my dad's advice. I kept trying and trying, but there wasn't enough to make me good at math.
"Dad, please tell me. How could I be good at math?"
"You are keep asking me same questions. Just try harder."
" I can't get an high score! Even though I'm busy so great, it doesn't really matter to my grade."
"Listen, human is born to do something to the world. You have enough talent. You need only confidence. I'm really disappointed to you that you don't have enough confidence."
I was really surprised. I always wanted to make my parents happy, so I couldn't stand that my father was disappointed by me. Since then, I started to study and my math skill had improved.
I'm studying math for more than 2 hours to solve this question. Since I was young, I kept studying English that I didn't pay attention to math. When I became 4th grader, I noticed how math is important- but it was too late, I thought. I got 80 out of one hundred- the worst score in my life(?). Even though I kept studying, I couldn't get one hundred score. I asked my dad what I should do, but the advice was just this:
"Just keep studying and you'll be great"
I was really disappointed when I heard this freaky advice from my dad. I imagined more detailed, kind specific advices.
After a few days, I went to my dad again because I couldn't find any clue about my dad's advice. I kept trying and trying, but there wasn't enough to make me good at math.
"Dad, please tell me. How could I be good at math?"
"You are keep asking me same questions. Just try harder."
" I can't get an high score! Even though I'm busy so great, it doesn't really matter to my grade."
"Listen, human is born to do something to the world. You have enough talent. You need only confidence. I'm really disappointed to you that you don't have enough confidence."
I was really surprised. I always wanted to make my parents happy, so I couldn't stand that my father was disappointed by me. Since then, I started to study and my math skill had improved.
And finally, I got all one hundred on my final exam!:)
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